The Monday Onion

A mix of website news for and other stuff concerning Jai and the things he does and likes doing.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Green Spandex for Amber Spyglass

according to Nathan... oh by the way I'm currently reading the last book in Phillip Pullman's Trilogy (His Dark Materials), The Amber Spyglass...anyway according to Nathan, the Xavier Rudd song Green Spandex is practically written for the book, the Amber Spyglass. I was shuffling through the thousand or so songs on my iPod and I found this song, and i thought i would listen to it properly. I think he's right...

heres the lyrics with annotations by me:

I guess this is the rushed goodbye
That I thought would never come (Lyra and Will leave their daemons behind when they go to the land of the dead)

The woman who lit the light
For a family in the dark (Lyra again... all the dead people were in the dark and she sort know...lit it...?)

Starring at the mirror
I see your smile through my own (I don't remember reading this but Nathan said there was a part when Will was looking at a mirror and saw a smile or something)

Your spark embedded deep inside (dunno)
Will give me strength (
Will give us hope

And I’ll never lose your touch
No I’ll never lose touch (I guess you could say Will will never lose touch with his...father?)

This will take me a while
Because I miss your smile
I guess I new your time would come
But for now I miss your smile
It’s gonna take me a while (i cant be bothered thinking for a reason this has anything to do with anything)

Thank you for your loyal stance
Green spandex and crazy style
Thank you for the happiness
That you gave to our lives
Although now our hearts are cracked
And our tears are slow to dry
We must count ourselves
The lucky ones
For we were with you in your prime

And I’ll never lose your touch
No I’ll never lose touch

Please stay in touch
Because I need you in my heart
Please stay in touch
I need your touch

Figure out the rest yourselves. Because I'm too tired.


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