The Monday Onion

A mix of website news for and other stuff concerning Jai and the things he does and likes doing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

k, bye everyone

i have used wordpress and now like it better than blogger for blogging.

you shall find it at

thanks all, cya!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Host :D

nachoman now has a new host. i will plug it as being awesome. is officially awesome. because its free and GOOD mostly. and it lets me put my .htaccess file up so my 404 page works :D
also, phpbb forum and wordpress installing now, so i won't be using this blog anymore, for all the inconvenience blogger gives me. not that it's bad, just my ftp isnt working so theres no point using this.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Yet Even Better

You know, rather than include a screenshot of the site, i'm just going to send you the link so you can experience the site yourself.
So far I have TWO animations! both are by AJ and they are both very, very short. They are in lightboxes so too bad for all those who don't like javascript. It's very light javascript, only two lines per lightbox but still, they are the most important lines.
Also, I would like to say another thing. The best flash game ever can be found here. It is called avalanche and it is awesome :)