The Monday Onion

A mix of website news for and other stuff concerning Jai and the things he does and likes doing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

k, bye everyone

i have used wordpress and now like it better than blogger for blogging.

you shall find it at

thanks all, cya!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New Host :D

nachoman now has a new host. i will plug it as being awesome. is officially awesome. because its free and GOOD mostly. and it lets me put my .htaccess file up so my 404 page works :D
also, phpbb forum and wordpress installing now, so i won't be using this blog anymore, for all the inconvenience blogger gives me. not that it's bad, just my ftp isnt working so theres no point using this.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Yet Even Better

You know, rather than include a screenshot of the site, i'm just going to send you the link so you can experience the site yourself.
So far I have TWO animations! both are by AJ and they are both very, very short. They are in lightboxes so too bad for all those who don't like javascript. It's very light javascript, only two lines per lightbox but still, they are the most important lines.
Also, I would like to say another thing. The best flash game ever can be found here. It is called avalanche and it is awesome :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

HTML Stuff

The Version of HTML of the website is coming along nicely-er! just the iframe aint working! it's probably just due to a tiny error in the code so i'll check it out. Hey check out the BACKGROUND! made it myself :D with the help of AJ of course. no direct help, but help nonetheless. There are little gaps in between the table cells for some reason ill figure out soon. check out the screenshot or actually go to the website. again, i can't be bothered cropping my screenshot so cya all l8r :P

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New Animation (Yet Untitled)

Today myself and AJ worked for a few hours on scripting and creating a storyline for an animation we plan on making. We probably won't be making Randomness because it's stupid and we won't become popular for making it and we also, at the rate we work on things, we won't be starting "Attack of the Killer Zombie Safe Mode Computers" any time soon. I have no screenshots because we haven't started animating and in the few hours we worked on it we only figured out a very basic storyline but we completely scripted the introduction, introducing Blu Buddy, AJ's "character" he plans on using for his future animations. My character, "Chickenface" has yet to be introduced. The introduction probably only goes for about 30 seconds but that still is record time as none of my animations have ever exceeded 19 seconds (I think) and none of AJ's have ever exceeded 28 seconds. The story for the actual animation is to be based on World War Two and Might include Micheal Jackson and Chickens. And AJ is hard set on making sure at some point a clown is eaten. I don't really see how that could be funny but I guess we have to put it in.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I was on youtube looking up trailers, specifically Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and I was led to the trailer for Iron Man, another movie I want to see, (because when you watch movies on YouTube you get led to new ones on the thing on the side, of course) then on the side, I a fake trailer for Transformers 2. It was obviously fake, but straight away I googled it and found it on IMDB. WHAT???? The first movie was way too awesome and not open enough for a second one, but they are in the production anyway!
Now I have to add another to the "movies I want to see am going to see" list, and I think I'll post it here.
  1. Transformers 2
  2. Indiana Jones 4
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (but gotta wait 'till 2011!)
  4. Iron Man
  5. Prince Caspian
  6. 10,000 BC (even though Nathan says he heard a review saying it was bad)
  7. Harry Potter 6
  8. Get Smart (looks good)
  9. Horton Hears a Who (AJ reckons it's hilarious)
  10. Star Wars: Clone Wars (just found out about)

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Me and AJ have been working on a joint animation, called randomness. Basically I would do some animation and then AJ would so we end up with a random animation. i took some screenshots of the unfinished animation and here they are. It will involve Gill Bates, a fictional CEO of a fictional company, Piecrosoft. Check back soon, but not too soon for this particular thing because myself and AJ don't really ever get much work done.